Monday, August 11

Tuesday, July 15

Monday, June 2

Thursday, May 22


more next week.

Monday, May 12


i want to work on more collages this summer.
this is one i did a little while ago.

Monday, April 28


in a courier mood.

well, one might have noticed that i have gone sometime without updating this blog of mine. i've been inexorably busy/swamped as of late with all my going ons—school and work and what little sleep i manage to accumulate in between. the bright side is that i've amassed a collection of work that i am very proud of. maybe i'll have a website to showcase it all sometime soon. 

here is something i wrote. it is my design philosophy/statement of sorts.



1. properly expectant, organized,or equipped; ready.

“The hike, the wilderness journey, the camping experience--—this is never haphazard business.”


Preparations are carefully made, the planning imagery.  The process of design is one wrought with pitfalls of misuse and misinterpretation. Like when in the Great Outdoors, one needs to be prepared to deal with all sorts of wrathful elements in order to breathe easy and take in the beauty. You cannot appreciate design if it kills you to make.

A designer cannot afford to be only an artist and shouldn’t think him/herself as such. In order to know our field we must first know the world; its history and people. One must be conscious and concerned, or otherwise be stuck—ill-fated with a fleeting perspective. A general knowledge is paramount to know what is appropriate and how to skew the limits of ordinary perception. 

Friday, April 11


the sixth and final poster.

based off of the ishihara color blindness test but is more about putting the pieces together; molecules and things.

Thursday, April 3


poster number five.

don't lose your hairs.

an octopus too.

Monday, March 24


this is poster number four. 
process colors cyan, magenta, yellow, black 

viz. design is a process.

Thursday, March 13

post/her three

this is poster number three (three colors) simple enough. 

the typeface is adobe caslon pro italic and bold, respectively.

we're halfway. 

Saturday, March 1


this is poster number two (of six) comprised of two colors (duh), warm grey 7m and black. the typeface is univers condensed and condensed-light, respectively.

the concept is: to be greater than the old/tired design out there. the old guy represents that i suppose.

four more to go.

Wednesday, February 20

post her/

a single color poster for the new graphic design bfa at montclair. due tuesday (2/26). 

the concept is that we each of us are made up of tiny things, pieces and ideas. 

also, i bought my first purple shirt the other day.

this would make a nice tshirt.

5 more on their way.

Friday, February 8

Monday, January 14

the tapir is

So I've been wanting to do more with this blog lately, like I want to write these interesting meaningful things but they aren't there right now.

Anyway, since I can't really come up with anything to write I drew a Malaysian Tapir.

Wednesday, January 2
